Engineering CAPS® has been updated. Find out about the latest features and newest products to assist you in choosing the best product for your application.
Lead-time improvements for wall-mounted fan models AER/BAER, inline fan model SQ, and fan model KSQ
Quick build expansion for models SQ and KSQ
Efficiency/Code Updates:
Added FEI to more fan selections (single-phase induction motors and single-phase Vari-Green® motors)
Updated and enhanced California Title 20 logic to prevent fan selections under 1.00 FEI
New A2L refrigerant (R-454B replaces R-410A) – EPA enforcement is 1/1/2025
Time-Saving Selections:
Expanded variable frequency drives (VFD) on many popular fan models. This makes selecting, configuring, ordering, and installing VFDs much faster with fewer errors
Expanded the user interface (fast data entry, multi-line editing, global editing) to include access doors, automatic balancing, backdraft, ceiling radiation, and remote balancing dampers
Added performance-based louver selection
Mixed flow non-tempered fan model KSQ will now ship fully assembled (saving installation time)
New or Redesigned Products:
Addition of air terminal units single duct product offering
Industrial grille model XG-RL-SP, added 4 and 8 in. heights and expanded duct diameter availability
- Miami-Dade NOA was renewed (23-1122.03) so it has a new NOA number
- Florida Product Approval received with 2023 Florida Building Code (8th Edition)
*Obsoleted sidewall propeller models SE/S2 (all sizes), SBCE/SBCS/SBE3/SBS3 sizes 48 and smaller (recommend AER and BAER as the replacements) (no new selections)
*Increased performance on AER (sizes 20 – 30) and BAER with fabricated steel propeller (all sizes)
*Filtered wall housing added to BAER (sizes 24 – 48)
*Propeller guard added to BAER (sizes 24 – 36)
*Added ship loose Variable Frequency Drives for model AER
- Whole House Ventilation for SP-B80 and SP-B110ES
- 220V to 240V motor selections for SP-A110 and SP-A390
- SP-A1410
*Started to obsolete (no new selections)
- Speed controller (internally and externally mounted), grille-mounted motion detector, grille-mounted dehumidistat, and metal wheels for sizes SP-A70 to SP-A125
- Mounted CRD option for SP-A110 and SP-A125
- 220V to 240V motor selections for SP-B90 and SP-B200, a message will pop up in this CAPS release (4.44) and will be fully obsoleted in CAPS 4.45
*New ship loose CRD (Ceiling Radiation Damper) for SP-LP0511H/HL and SP-LP0810W/WL (lighted and non-lighted)
*Grease X-Tractor™ high-efficiency filters redesign for less static pressure
*14 in. wide supply plenum now offers 10 in. and 12 in. wide rectangular collars and the 18 in. wide supply plenum now offers 14 in. and 16 in. wide rectangular collars
*Added appliance filter feature within hood marks to filter based on: most common, solid fuel, upper level, or all
*Vari-Flow legacy control is being obsoleted in CAPS v4.45 (no new selections in v4.44)
*UDS/UPS update prevents UPS from being selectable if UDS is selected without gas service
*Removed ability to select exhaust duct collar tight against exhaust top (min. 1 in. off back)
*Residential Range Hood, fixed bug that showed 500 cfm availability on front discharge models
The Difference Between Energy Codes and Energy Regulations in the HVAC Industry
Energy codes and regulations have a significant impact on the HVAC industry, however, confusion exists between the two, not only about where they apply but who they apply to and how they are enforced. Read on to learn more about the differences between energy codes and energy regulations.
Greenheck's product selection program includes Fan Energy Index (FEI) metrics to help you select fans that meet or exceed ASHRAE 90.1 and state energy code requirements