Greenheck Wall Centrifugal Upblast Exhaust Fans

Wall Centrifugal Upblast Exhaust Fans

The wall-mounted centrifugal upblast exhaust fans include both direct and belt drive options with efficient backward-inclined centrifugal wheels and aerodynamic inlet cone, minimizing system effects. The motors on the fans are out of the airstream. Suitable applications for these fans range from storage room to fume hood exhaust and kitchen grease exhaust to smoke control.



Use this belt drive centrifugal roof or wall mounted fan for exhausting contaminated or grease laden air. With a single piece, continuously welded, spun aluminum housing, exhaust air is discharged away from the mounting surface.

  • 375 to 14,700 cfm
  • Up to 5 in. wg.

High Wind and Hurricane


UL/cUL 705

AMCA licensed for FEI & Air Performance

UL/cUL 705 Listed - Supplement SC - "Power Ventilators for Restaurant Exh. Appliances" (Formerly UL 762)


Model CUE-WALL is a direct drive fan designed for roof or wall mounting, where the exhaust air is direct away from the mounting surface. Constructed of a single piece, continuously welded housing, this fan is used for exhausting contaminated or grease laden air.
  • 65 to 6,400 cfm
  • Up to 3 in. wg.

High Wind and Hurricane


UL/cUL 705

AMCA licensed for FEI & Air Performance

UL/cUL 705 Listed - Supplement SC - "Power Ventilators for Restaurant Exh. Appliances" (Formerly UL 762)