According to the Department of Energy, data centers are one of the most energy-intensive building types, consuming 10 to 50 times the energy per floor space of a typical commercial office building. Collectively, these spaces account for approximately 2% of the total U.S. electricity use and will continue to grow as our country's use of information technology grows. It has been estimated that roughly 40% of data center energy use can be attributed to HVAC operations in server room facilities.
Source: Energy Innovation Policy & Technology LLC |
How can you turn down HVAC energy consumption in your data center projects?
Choosing the right partner for data center ventilation is key to creating effective and energy-efficient ventilation solutions that can help turn down energy usage.
Learn more in our blog post Choosing the Right Air Distribution Partner for Data Centers.
Greenheck is a single-source supplier for all of the products needed in a complete data center ventilation system. Our energy-efficient products for data centers include:
- A full line of Fans featuring Vari-Green® Motors capable of 80% turndown in energy usage along with Vari-Green® Controls that help maximize ventilation system efficiency.
- Energy Recovery Ventilators that can be used in conjunction with other HVAC equipment to reduce the outdoor ventilation load by up to 50%.
- Fan Arrays that can be customized based on sound, horsepower, number of fans, and overall efficiency criteria.
- Make-up air units, dampers, louvers, and more.